Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Ilion, NY
Services in Ilion, NY
We all realize that having a healthy, bright, beautiful smile enhances our appearance and allows us to smile with confidence. Thanks to the advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, we are able to improve our teeth and smiles with quick, painless and surprisingly affordable treatments.
Let All Valley Smiles take care of you! Call us today 315-758-5253 to schedule your appointment. Our professional and friendly staff will answer any questions you may have concerning cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Cosmetic dental treatments can:
Change the size, shape, and alignment of certain teeth.
Fill in unattractive spaces between teeth (Gap Closure)
Improve or correct bites.
Lighten or brighten the color of teeth.
Repair decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.
Replace missing teeth.
Reshape misshapen teeth.
Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.
Cavity filling with tooth-like material's
Porcelaine crown coverage
Remember, your smile speaks before you even say a word!
Teeth bleaching (a form of whitening)
Chip or rough spot repair with teeth fillings
Cavity filling with tooth-like materials
Porcelain crown coverage
Gap closure between teeth
Reshaping of misshapen teeth
Cynthia D
"I left that day with the biggest and brightest smile I have ever had and I have the whole staff of Dr. Singh's office to thank."
Kerri C
"For years I have wanted to 'fix' my teeth due to issues of self-consciousness. After getting Lumineers done at Dr. Singh's office, I feel much better about myself as well as my smile. The Lumineers are completely comfortable and feel very real. I am very satisfied with the work Dr. Singh did and would recommend him to anyone."
D. H
"Dear Dr. Singh & Staff:
The result is well worth the cost. Not only are my teeth white, but the gaps created by receding gum lines have disappeared and a twisted tooth is no longer obvious. All in all, my teeth look better than they have in years."
Rich C
"For years, I've hidden my smile…I was very self-conscious. The procedure took a little over an hour. It was painless...I never thought that I would be able to have a “million dollar smile”. Thank you, Dr. Singh, and thank you Lumineers for helping me feel more confident and at ease.”